Tips To Improve Your Golf Swing
Of all the things you practice to make your game better, the golf swing is by far the most important. After all, practicing your putting everyday won’t improve your game if you can’t drive the ball onto the green.So the majority of your time should be spent trying to improve your swing. This will be done mainly on a driving range or in an open area. Just an hour in the driving range each week, will get you a more comfortable and fluid golf swing that should improve your game considerably. It is important to be relaxed as this helps the fluidity of your swing. If you’re tense in the shoulders or arms, then you won’t hit through the ball correctly and you may hook it badly to one side. So make sure to exercise your upper body and stretch out well before you play a round or even before you practice. Keeping the upper body as straight as possible is also crucial. You should be pivoting rather than turning your whole body. Once you master this, you should be able to drive the ball straighter and further.
The other thing you can try to improve your golf swing is to use one of the latest golf swing analyzer machines. The way these work is by filming you when you take a swing and they analyze your individual points of back-swing and downswing, to highlight areas where you can improve. These are a great way to find potential errors in your swing that you didn’t even know about. Often these are small and can be corrected easily, which is a great way to improve your game almost instantly.
Many golf clubs have these already but if you don’t have access to one, just get a friend or family member to record you taking your golf swing on a camcorder. You can then look back at it and try and find any errors yourself. It’s a sure fire way of improving your game and lowering your score overnight!
Tags - golf,golf swing,golf swing tips
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